Saturday, October 24, 2009

Advanced Placement

Clearly I suffered from PTVD yesterday (Post-Traumatic Vaccination Disorder, obviously), because I neglected to share Caitlin's latest stats. Drum roll please.......weight-14 lbs. 14.5 oz and height 24.5 inches, placing her respectively in the 98% and 99% percentiles. Dr. P. asked what I am eating to grow such a strong, healthy bambina. I did admit to a slight peanut butter addiction, but I left out my recent steroid use for fear of legal ramifications.

I also asked Dr. P why Caitlin cannot stop stuffing her fist into her mouth. It's unbecoming and frankly, quite spitty and messy. I was certain the fist-to-mouth action meant one of two things: A. Caitlin is already teething, or B. Caitlin has an oral fixation and will need years of Freudian therapy. Clearly, I'm no pediatrician because Dr. P actually told me eating one's fist is a developmental milestone for a FOUR MONTH OLD baby. That's right, everybody...Caitlin is advanced (obviously, look at her parents!) I am not sure why this is such a wonderful accomplishment, but I am so proud of my precocious little hand eater.


  1. NIce work! Happy two month birthday to Caitlin - love to all three of you from rainy old Brooklyn.

  2. You should post a picture of Caitlin being so brilliant! OF COURSE you've produced a genius!
